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PantherEngine Status

November 9, 2010

Development on the engine continues with the current goal of finishing XBox support.

September 28, 2010

After much discussion, the PantherEngine moved from SVN to Git for their code repository. SVN will remain available but will not be updated.

May 20, 2010

The Greenpanther team submitted their final release to the Imagin Cup 2010 contest.

April 25, 2010

The Greenpanther team reached the semi-finals of the 2010 Imagine Cup. Development on the game and the engine continue at a furious pace.

March 16, 2010

Version 0.4.0 was released. This includes a lot of enhancements written as we prepare for the Imagine Cup.

January 30, 2010

Development continued over the break and the biggest change is an integration of Xnua, a Lua interpreter which we intend to use to replace IronPython. It was concluded that IronPython was never going to run on XBox 360 and Xnua while it didn't compile would at least run on XBox. There were a number of project and small source changes required to get Xnua to compile for the latest XNA 3.1 framework and it has been tested on XBox and integrated into Panther Engine. We have the ability to turn off IronPython and have stopped developing with it. It should be removed in an upcoming release. We have still not released version 0.4.0, but expect that in the coming months. If you want to use the engine, check it out from Subversion as the current distributions are quite old.

The class has been working over the break to design a game for ImagineCup. The game is code named GreenPanther. The first round is due on March 15, expect a new version of Panther Engine soon after that.

November 11, 2009

Our third release (0.3.0) is still a work in progress, but has made steady progress and improvements in both the led and rawr application.

Improved package system
Improved animation
A first attempt at a collision system

October 20, 2009

Our second release (0.2.0) is still a work in progress, but has made steady progress and improvements in both the led and rawr application.

Some of the highlights include:

Importing models and a simplistic model placement system
Some model/camera collisions systems.
Level file saving from led and running under rawr
Integration of IronPython and the ability to receive XNA update events
Improved GUI conrols in rawr
Integrated model animations using the XAnimation library

We are also working on a space based sample game (Caliban Dawn) so there are a number of art assests and game design tasks that have been completed.

October 2, 2009

On Friday October 2, 2009 we created our first release (0.1.0). This was mostly a source code release and included a few tools created as examples which will be folded into the engine as it developes. The main tools are a level editor called led, and an application to run the levels called rawr. Some of the preapps include audio examples, an IronPython integration, and a file format test. These test applications are in the preapps directory. The level editor is in the tools/led and the rawr application is in preapps and will eventually need to be moved into tools. This is a snapshot of a work in progress and does not currently include a working solution. Stay tuned as the course progresses.

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